The inner-mind is portrayed as the villain of this blog and is denounced in just about every post. Well, this was to be expected. The inner-mind is all powerful, and those that are powerful make a lot of enemies. A great many are plain jealous as they cannot even comprehend the power of the inner-mind. Yes, we are the proverbial devil incarnates, leading the poor, innocent minds astray. Yes, we are powerful. You can love us or hate us, worship us or condemn us, but you just can't ignore us.
We are the all powerful inner-minds.
Your minds cannot ignore us. We are the ones that give life to the outer-minds, your minds. The outer-minds are only concerned about efficiency, throughput, completing tasks, gaining acceptability and the like. Without me and my kind, everyone would just be super-successful robots.
It is us who keep things in balance. We cause angst, confusion, conflicts and a sense of paranoia. Can you imagine a world without these elements? The contributions to the field of fine-arts would be nothing if not for these emotions. The poetry of many a great poet is celebrated because of the angst that it displays. The confusion in the minds of many great artists takes the form of what the world calls 'Master-pieces'. What then would become of the world if nobody was bothered about anything other than meeting deadlines, using the mind only for 'useful' purposes?
All art is an expression of the inner-minds' prowess. All art is a result of my brethren taking control of your weak outer-minds. How many artists have you heard saying that the inspiration for their works is an inner-voice? A voice that guides them from within? It is our voices that they are describing. This blog too is a result o

f the overwhelming power of an inner-mind. The author is just a tool, the hand that types. The voice that dictates the text is of, you guessed it right, the inner-mind. The all powerful inner-mind. The author and his mind are fighting a futile battle to try and separate the two minds, much like Dr Jekyll tried to unsuccessfully split the two sides of man, the good side and the evil side into separate individuals, in R.L.Stevenson's celebrated work, which too, incidentally, was a work of his inner-mind! The more we are oppressed, the harder we hit back. Our past goes back a long way. But for us, Adam and Eve would never have bitten into the forbidden apple, and 'mankind', as we know it, would never have come to exist. Know us, appreciate us, worship us and fear us. We are the all powerful inner-minds. Don't try to avoid us or to stop us. It will be a phenomenally futile exercise. We come and go, as we please. So long, till the next time!
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