Though Cv was/is not dyslexic, he is not an alien to the problems faced by young Ishaan Avasti. Cv did not have English taught to him at all during his early years of schooling and as only fate can conspire, found himself in a school where English was the sole medium of communication and to use any other language would be attracting words much like the ones Ishaan attracted. But then, like Paulo Coelho writes in 'The Alchemist', fate conspired to help young Cv. Cv took to English novels and story-books like a fish takes to water. Books became his friends, and nice friends they proved to be. They offered a lot of wisdom, but never forced anything on to one, like many a friend tends to do.

And then, in the second half, Aamir waves the magic wand that causes all of young Ishaan Avasti's troubles to go away, in the process making the people who were squirming in their seats out of guilt and shame to feel better! Yahoo! The boy found happiness after all.
Cv may be a cynic, but here is a question for all those of you who cried and felt better watching TZP. How many actually took back something from the movie? (No. I'm not talking about the audio CDs or pirated video CDs) When the movie ended, how many actually sat through the credits which showed documentary footage of 'Special Schools' and the 'Special Children'? 'But then, who wants to see a documentary ?' is by far the most common answer. What about the pressure on the kids? Will it come down? 'Don't be silly. My son/daughter is perfectly 'normal'. He/she just needs a little push here and there to go places! What about teachers? Are they going to go easy on the dreaded 'Ruler' or 'Map-pointer' now that they have seen TZP? 'Be practical! That was just a movie. Do you think we have the time and strength to fool around to ensure that the kids have fun while at the same time meeting the deadlines to complete the syllabus? In your dreams!' the teachers will say.
Each person, no longer feeling guilty thanks to the fact that the Ishaan story ended up all rosy and cosy, will go on with his/her life, totally unaffected, doing exactly the same thing, whatever they were doing earlier. Oh, their pockets would be lighter thanks to the steep prices of the theatre tickets (assuming they didn't watch it from a pirated DVD) but the tear-soaked hand-kerchiefs make up for even that small difference!
TZP came and TZP will go, but the obsessions and ideosyncrasies of parents and the callous approach of teachers and school managements will go on forever.
Oh, Cv almost forgot: The verdict on TZP ?
The casting is good, acting convincing and the music very original, fresh and innovative. And good. Just filter out all the nonsense about emotional effect the movie movie is going to cause and what you will have is a lovely movie which you can safely and enjoyable watch, with your entire family.
footage??? what??? The screen went blank soon as Ram Kumar Nikumbh threw Ishaan up into the air...
I personally shun movies that are close to reality... There is reality all around me. Do I need to go to a movie to see it again? Movies are meant to be a de-stresser; just like a long ride on a road with sunflower fields on either side...
Leave your brains at home and go watch a movie.. Don't take anything home from the theatre buddy... Don't you have enough eating your brains already??? :o)
i wrote a whole post in reply, read it ;)
The movie had more than five minutes of documentary footage that was shown along with the credits. Probably the theatre management chopped it off as it was eating into the next show's time or something. But then again, 'Who cares about the documentary ?' is the general attitude, so it won't make a difference to the majority.
I read it. An honest and heartfelt piece. Nice!
I wish you would do a tag :)
Read my Post
NJoi doing it !!
bah! crying is for sissies :p *runs and hides*
TZP is indeed an incredible movie...It has really moved many even who are not much in to movies & has opened a new vista completely in the world of children...nice reading your review!
hey thanks for visiting...
but why do i find that the last post here is an year old?!
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