Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Inner Mind speaks on: Contradictions in Life.

Life is a magnificient example of order in chaos. Seemingly unrelated events turn out to be connected by invisible threads to form a bigger picture. While most of us struggle to find out the
current picture, a few differently abled people are able to interpret the whole current picture as a single grain in a large slab of mozaic... A small bit in a big jig-saw puzzle. Just when we were about to think that this picture interpretation business was the toughest thing to do, we were confronted by a new multi-headed dragon. One that answers to the name Contradictions.
Contradictions of thoughts, beliefs, name it, we have seen it. We are led to believe one thing and at some other point of time, we discover that it was all wrong... that we were barking up the wrong tree all the time.. One of Ayn Rand's characters in the book Atlas Shrugged says something to the effect of "Whenever you are faced with a contradiction, check your sources. You will find that one of them is not true" or something similar. That is no doubt very true and very wise too, but the point is, how many of us even know the sources? We accept a lot of things at face value. We don't question it. The above stated quote itself is taken at face value by many people, without even giving it a serious thought. In what context was that statement made? Does it hold true always? Or only some of the times? If there really was to be no contradictions, there wouldn't be night and day, good and bad, hot and cold and yin and yang. These contradictons exist and perenially keep slugging it out with each other, but what about the statement? Was Rand wrong? No. Now am I again contradicting myself? Another no. The fact is, the statement can be true for our thoughts. If we have two contradictory thoughts, the method given here is just one of several methods to resolve the conflict. Different people use different methods to do it, but everybody uses some method. If not, we would be roaming around like zombies, not knowing what to do as our minds were pointing us towards different directions.

Contradictions have existed in the past, they exist now and they will continue to exist. We cannot wish them away. Many of us feel that life would have been simpler and far easier if there were no contradictions. Maybe. Further, people say that contradictions are a flaw in the system, where God messed up and then again, there are those who say that its all part of the 'Bigger Picture', the most often used expression to bring a conversation to a grinding halt, as it too is one of the things that are accepted at face value, no questions asked. Bigger picture or not, fatal flaw or deliberate design, there is nothing that anybody can do to make it go away. It needs to be confronted and handled as it needs to be. Nothing more, nothing less.

Now wait a minute. On second thoughts, I think the truth is the exact opposite of whatever I have been saying.....

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