Monday, December 25, 2006

The Outer mind speaks on: Limits for the mind

Only a fraction of the power of our minds is harnessed by us. The rest is wasted. If only we had greater control over our minds, there is no telling how far we could get.Most of us console ourselves, consciously or otherwise, saying that we really are not all that bad at mind-control or that we achieve adequate results. How much is this adequate, really? Does it come up to our true potential? Are we doing any justice really to the potential that we possess? Like the movie 'Matrix' points out, our mind really can't see beyond the choices we cannot comprehend. If we think that we are performing 'well enough', that's just because we are setting targets that are too shallow. Its like shooting an arrow and claiming that whatever it struck was the original target. We keep cheating ourselves in this way, all the time.
How then can we break out of this mindset? Often, the mind (the inner-mind, the mind's mind) places the blame for our non-performance on external factors, like other individuals like team-mates, spouses, friends, enemies, bosses, subordinates and the like. "They are not doing their work, so there is only this much that I can do" is a classic line fed to the mind by the inner-mind. If the other guy isn't doing what he is supposed to be doing, how is that responsible for you not doing your work? Its just an excuse and a pretty lame one at that. The next time your mind gives this excuse, you know that its the work of the inner-mind. Just ignore it. If others can influence the amount of work that you do or the manner in which you do it, its a sure sign that you are allowing your inner-mind to walk all over your mind, the outer-mind. You are a universe on your own, with your very own environment variables. You are not affected by other individuals. All the talk that man is a social animal and is affected by his surroundings is the work of some famous individual's inner-mind, a famous inner-mind at that, nothing more, nothing less. Though we interact with other individuals (We need to do that, I'm not saying that we need to be recluses or hermits), we cannot allow our thought processes to be affected by others. In the matter of the mind, we ought to be recluses and hermits. Kahlil Gibran mentions that even parents cannot give their thoughts to their children as they have thoughts and minds of their own. Live for yourself. Think on your own. If what I'm writing seems to make sense, ask yourself if your mind is also thinking along similar lines, or that you are just accepting what someone else has written. Often, when we are in a confused state of mind, we tend to abhor anything and everything that our own mind suggests that we do. This is in no way better than accepting everything that our mind says that we do. Develop the skill of identify the owner of your thoughts; Whether its the work of the inner-mind or the outer one. If it sounds very authoritative, nine times out of ten, its your inner-mind, unless you really have been working at disciplining it in your own way.
Am I obsessed with the mind that its the subject of my blog and the most written about topic(the only written about topic so far, as every topic converges to the mind's working) ? Maybe. If so, that's because nothing challenges me more than the working of ones own mind. If only we can unlock its mysteries and figure out how to get it to work as we want it to, every single time, the possibilities are limitless. Everything else will just be grains of sand on a vast beach.

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